
Star Citizen


Average Sentiment



Average Monthly Article Count


First Article Date: October 2012


Highest Monthly Average Sentiment


Month: January 2023


Lowest Monthly Average Sentiment


Month: September 2021

Total Articles Count


Most Active Authors

  • Eddie Makuch - Gamespot (91 articles)
  • Andy Chalk - PCGamer (48 articles)
  • Oscar Dobbins - Game Rant (41 articles)

Article Source Distribution

PCGamer: 35.79%

Gamespot: 23.20%

Game Rant: 20.32%


Article Count Frequency Trend


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Historical Trends of Star Citizen

Game Image

Star Citizen

Genre: MMO, FPS, Simulation

Mode: Multiplayer

Release Date: Unreleased

Description:Star Citizen merges elements of space simulation, first-person shooter, and MMO genres, offering four distinct playable modes termed modules. Each module delivers a unique player experience, with Hangar, Arena Commander, and Star Marine showcasing gameplay aspects found in the Persistent Universe but with their own specific mechanics. This structure allows players to explore varied facets of gameplay within a cohesive universe.

Historical Trends Summary

With the fifth lowest article total article count and an average monthly article count of only 4.12, Star Citizen has had an extensive history of booms and busts in interest, making it difficult to discern long-term trends in sentiment. The game has gone through 3-main spikes which occured at its launch, during pre-orders, and during the announcement of pre-sale of in-game items. The game has been largely marred by years of delays and false promises which have disgruntled early adopters, as well as several law suits and complaints several government agencies.

Additional Observations

Since its launch, its average sentiment at 0.85 is difficult to visually conceptualize as for most of its history the sentiment has remained quite volatile without high article volume. Given the low volume, its lows and highs have repeatedly reached the upper and lower extremes of the sentiment scale. The games high historical sentiment is surprisingly given the constant broken promises, delayed launches, and misleading sales offerings. Its popularity is likely sustained by hype and loyal followers of Star Citizen.

Star Citizen has over a decade of coverage and a relatively low monthly article count of 4.12 which leaves it especially susceptible to wide variations in its monthly sentiment. Therefore, no descernible long term trend can be determined, although its monthly sentiment managed to consistently stay above the 0.8 score threshold.

The frequency of coverage by news sources on Star Citizen has been somewhat inconsistent over its lifetime, althought its peaks correspond with several significant events in the games history. Its first peak in article frequency unsurprisingly came at its announcement, followed by the availability of pre-sales just two years later bringing it to its all time high. Since that peak, coverage has been historically low although recent product releases and more reasonable promises of an impending release date have bouyed interests since 2023.

Count of Articles by Authors


Source Rankings

Game Rant
Average sentiment historically

Highest Average Sentiment Authors

  • 1 Oscar Dobbins (Source: Game Rant, 41 articles)
  • 2 Mike Fahey (Source: Kotaku, 12 articles)
  • 3 Andy Chalk (Source: PCGamer, 48 articles)

Lowest Average Sentiment Authors

  • 1 Fraser Brown (Source: PCGamer, 16 articles)
  • 2 Luke Plunkett (Source: Kotaku, 23 articles)
  • 3 GR Staff (Source: Game Rant, 13 articles)
Must have 10+ articles of the game

% of Total Articles by Source

Journalist & Source Summary

Star Citizen has been predominantly covered by PCGamer and Gamespot, which combined account for nearly 60% of all articles published. Game Rant has the greatest diversity of writers with 37 unique journalists, roughly 28% of the 132 total journalists, despite comprising only 20.3% of all the published articles.

With an average historical sentiment of 0.85, it is not unsurprising that most of the gaming news outlets hover within this score, with little significant variation amongst all observed sources.

Additional Observations

Although PCGamer boasts the majority of articles written about Star Citizen, Gamespot features the top journalist Eddie Makuch (91 articles) representing 16% of all articles written for the game as well as 70% of all Gamespot articles. This is by far the most frequent author for Star Citizen, as the next most frequent is Andy Chalk (48 articles) from PCGamer.

IGN and Game Rant are both tied for the highest sentiment news outlets covering Star Citizen at 0.87, although this is closely followed by Gamespot at 0.86, with PCGamer and Kotaku falling at 0.84 and 0.82, respectively. Despite all the controversies, Star Citizen has managed to hold a substantially high sentiment score amongst news outlets, although this may changee upon the games release.

The highest and lowest average sentiment journalists is evenly distributed amongst all source, with the highest sentiment taken by Oscar Dobbins (41 articles) from Game Rant at 0.93, while the lowest sentiment is taken by Fraser Brown (16 articles) at 0.69. Since scores tend to polarize on opposite sides of the sentiment score scale, authors must have published a minimum of 10 articles to be considered for the ranking.