


Average Sentiment



Average Monthly Article Count


First Article Date: July 2010


Highest Monthly Average Sentiment


Month: September 2017


Lowest Monthly Average Sentiment


Month: February 2015

Total Articles Count


Most Active Authors

  • Andrew Heaton - Game Rant (191 articles)
  • Luke Plunkett - Kotaku (176 articles)
  • Eddie Makuch - Gamespot (163 articles)

Article Source Distribution

Game Rant: 45.14%

Kotaku: 20.53%

IGN: 12.50%


Article Count Frequency Trend


EA Logo Respawn Logo Unreal Logo

Historical Trends of Minecraft



Genre: Survival, Sandbox

Mode: Single-player, Multiplayer

Release Date: November 18th, 2011

Description:Minecraft is a 3D sandbox game that grants players vast freedom in an infinitely expanding, procedurally generated world, without set goals but with an achievement system. Players engage in building and crafting within a block-based environment, using materials and redstone for mechanical creations. The game features diverse biomes, day-night cycles, multiple gameplay modes, and a variety of mobs, facilitating endless exploration and creativity.

Historical Trends Summary

Minecraft is one of the most influential titles within the gaming industry, with both its mechanics and visuals still holding popular with both developers and gamers alike. The sentiment of Minecraft has been incredibly stable throughout its lifetime, rarely fluctuating by more than 0.1 within a given year. After briefly fading in visibility over the years, the resurgence of gaming during the COVID-19 era has revived interest in Minecraft and has lead to the introduction of numerous copy-cat titles.

Additional Observations

Over the two years, the sentiment around Minecraft has held consistent, hovering within the 0.80 to 0.95 range. Looking back over the last five years, sentiment has only dipped as low as 0.75. The only significantly change in sentiment occured from february to april in 2018, which coincides with its lowest article volume historically. Minecrafts steadfast positive sentiment is a testament to its timeless gameplay and visuals.

After a successful launch that cemented Minecrafts place in gaming history, article frequency began to decline substantially beginning in mid-2014. This trend may have continued into the future, however, the COVID-19 era push video games into the mainstream as people were forced to stay inside and were looking for new ways to pass the time. After hitting a historic low of one article in November 2018, Minecraft made a dramatic return, hitting an all time peak of 87 articles in a single month in April 2023. Although in the months since, the growth in coverage looks like it has plateaued. Saturation of the open world genre and the release of much anticipated titles such as Hytale will likely put pressure on the coverage of Minecraft.

Count of Articles by Authors


Source Rankings

Game Rant
Average sentiment historically

Highest Average Sentiment Authors

  • 1 Samuel Heaney (Source: IGN, 14 articles)
  • 2 Tyler Shipley (Source: Game Rant, 56 articles)
  • 3 Zackari Greif (Source: Game Rant, 11 articles)

Lowest Average Sentiment Authors

  • 1 Chris Birsner (Source: Game Rant, 19 articles)
  • 2 Cassidee Moser (Source: IGN, 14 articles)
  • 3 Martin Gaston (Source: Gamespot, 11 articles)
Must have 10+ articles of the game

% of Total Articles by Source

Authors & Source Summary

Minecraft has been predominantly covered by Game Rant and Kotaku, which combined account for 65% of all articles published. Game Rant has the greatest diversity of writers with 270 unique journalists, which is 45% of the 593 unique journalists.

Unsurpisingly Minecraft enjoys a positive sentiment score of 0.86, which most gaming news outlets hover around. Only one news outlet reports a score above this, Game Rant at 0.89, which is most likely the driving force behind Minecafts high postive score.

Additional Observations

The top three most active authors covering Minecraft are split amongst three seperate news outlets, Andrew Heaton (191 articles) from Game Rant, Luke Plunkett (176 articles) from Kotaku, and Eddie Makuch (163 articles) from Gamespot. Despite their high article publishing for Minecraft, none of these authors entirely dominate the title's coverage as there is a plethora of smaller authors covering the game. Combined these authors account for 530 articles or 11% of the articles published on Minecraft.

Game Rant currently boasts the highest average sentiment at a score of 0.89, which is 0.03 above the Minecrafts historical average of 0.86 and 0.07 of the lowest score of 0.82 from PCGamer. The high sentiment score is largely bouyed by Game Rant, as no other source manages to stay above the average with Kotaku, IGN, and Gamespot all sit at 0.85 just one point below.

Given Game Rant accounts for nearly half of all articles, it is not unsurprising that it holds three of the six lowest and highest sentiment journalists, Chris Birsnet (19 articles) with the lowest sentiment at 0.56, Tyler Shipley (56 articles) with a perfect score of 1.0, and Zackari Greif (11 articles) with the third highest at 0.99. Only one other journalist manages to report a perfect score, Samuel Heaney (14 articles) from IGN. Since scores tend to polarize on opposite sides of the sentiment score scale, authors must have published a minimum of 10 articles to be considered for the ranking.