
League of Legends


Average Sentiment



Average Monthly Article Count


First Article Date: October 2008


Highest Monthly Average Sentiment


Month: December 2023


Lowest Monthly Average Sentiment


Month: September 2021

Total Articles Count


Most Active Authors

  • Yannick LeJacq - Kotaku (169 articles)
  • Luke Plunkett - Kotaku (111 articles)
  • Andy Chalk - PCGamer (107 articles)

Article Source Distribution

Kotaku: 37.29%

PCGamer: 23.75%

Game Rant: 20.59%


Article Count Frequency Trend


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Historical Trends of League of Legends

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League of Legends

Genre: MOBA

Mode: Multiplayer

Release Date: October 27, 2009

Description:League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game where players control characters known as "champions", each with unique abilities, in an isometric view. With over 160 champions available, players earn experience points and gold by defeating enemies, allowing them to level up and purchase items to enhance their champion's strength. The primary game mode, Summoner's Rift, features a shop for item purchases within the team's base. Each match in League of Legends is standalone, meaning levels and items are reset at the start of every new game.

Historical Trends Summary

League of Legends its known for being one of the most competitive and broadcasted videogames in the world, regularly topping charts on streaming websites such as twitch and YouTube. However, this popularity has not translated into article coverage as the data shows that this immensely popular game has only had 1,618 articles across the five covered gaming news sources. Additionally, the data on League of Legends shows that its historical sentiment is a modest 0.73.

In spite of its only modest sentiment, League of Legends has been growing in coverage over the years, recently reaching its all time highest single month in article count and hitting five-year high in sentiment score.

Additional Observations

League of Legends has observeably gone through two stages, the first one ranging from October of 2008 until June of 2016, and the second stage from June of 2016 until the present. In the first stage, League of Legends had first only been a Warcraft mod was yet to release on its own platform. Follwoing its officialy release, the game quickly gained steam, constantly hitting new highs and garnering international recognition for its annual 'Worlds' Championship, with the first one taking place in 2011 and results in the games first spike in media coverage. This continued until October of 2015, where is reached its first peak of 38 articles in October after SK Telecom T1 won their second title. That year the final was watched by 36 million people, beating out other sports finals such as the Stanley Cup and NBA finals. However, articles inextricably fell off the following year despite record viewship and playercount. This is the beginning of the second phase, where article count stagnanted until the outbreak of COVID-19, which force people to stay at home and look for new ways to past the time. Videogames were an obvious solution for many, and subsequently article counts took off. The November 2021 'Worlds' Championship sparked the game high spike in article count for a total of 51 articles in that month. The following 2022 and 2023 failed to garner similar levels of coverage, and the game may follow a similar pattern it has had before and coverage may begin to decline.

Sentiment surrouding the League of Legends coverage has been incredibly volatile, especially since volumes reach lows during the non-ranked periods of the seasons as well as when there are not esports tournaments to cover. However, therehas been a discernible upward strend in sentiment within the last year, with League of Legends hitting an all time sentiment of 0.99 in 2023 in the month of December. This is markedly above the games historical average of 0.73, almost a 0.30 point difference.

Count of Articles by Authors


Source Rankings

Game Rant
Average sentiment historically

Highest Average Sentiment Authors

  • 1 Joe Grantham (Source: Game Rant, 21 articles)
  • 2 Hajrudin Krdzic (Source: Game Rant, 13 articles)
  • 3 Gamespot Staff (Source: Gamespot, 12 articles)

Lowest Average Sentiment Authors

  • 1 George Voutiritsas (Source: Game Rant, 16 articles)
  • 2 Jason Fanelli (Source: Gamespot, 19 articles)
  • 3 Michael Brandon Ingram (Source: Game Rant, 15 articles)
Must have 10+ articles of the game

% of Total Articles by Source

Authors & Source Summary

Coverage of League of Legends has been relatively well split between four of the five gaming news outlets, with only IGN being the only exception as it comprises less than 1% of all the articles covering the title. Kotaku is by far the largest outlet with 37.3% of the articles, with the remaining three hovering within a few percentage points of 20%.

The average sentiment of this news outlets is far more varied, with the difference between the highest and lowest sentiment sources spanning more than 0.30 points. However, most of the news outlets hovered within just a few points of the historic average of 0.73, with Game Rant reporting a sentiment at exactly the average according to the data.

Additional Observations

Kotaku with 603 articles, is the largest gaming news outlet covering 37.3% of the total 1,517 articles. The next three sources, PCGamer, Gamespot, and Game Rant covered 23.7%, 17.9%, and 20.6%, respectively. Only IGN was largely unpresent with a dismal 7 article covering the game title. This may largely be because of IGN's' focus on video format when publishing content on League of Legends.

Although sentiment amongst the highest and lowest sentiment gaming new sources is large, this is mostly due to IGN's low article count which leaves it susceptible to the extremities. The remaining sources all hover within 0.05 points of the average sentiment score. The highest sentiment outlet, Kotaku with a score of 0.77 largely pulls the titles sentiment upwords as it composes the largest portion of articles.

All of the lowest and highest average sentiment journalists are either from Game Rant and Gamespot, although none of them managed to report a perfectly positive sentiment score and only two reported a score below 0.50, George Coutiritsas (16 articles) from Game Rant and Jason Fanelli (19 articles) from Gamespot. Additionally, despite comprising only 20.6% of the articles, Game Rant features almost 33% of the total journalists covering League of Legends, or 89 of 271 journalists.